Deep neck infection is a disease that is not commonly encountered. However, it is one of the few conditions that can be life-threatening and you may encounter while working in the emergency room. Deep neck infection is a case we should never miss, such as Aortic dissection. This is because even a moment of inattention can put the patient at risk.
Definition of the Deep neck infection
There are various definitions of a deep neck infection. It is a disease in which the fat, muscle and fascia in the deep area of our neck area which can be aggravated into an abscess. Sometimes these abscess remain in one palce, but in most cases they increase size and spread to the surrounding area. Eventually causing swelling sround the airways and causing the patient to have trouble breathing. In addition, as the inflammation spreads to various areas, complication such as sepsis and kidney failure may appear.
Usually, patients complain of sore throat, as if they had eaten a hot potato. The skin of the patient's neck is usually changed to red and there may be severe swelling around the neck. However, there are many cases that patients have a normal skin color just like the other people. At first, symptoms may come as a sore throat, or there may be only tonsillitis. However, over time, the inflammation worsens and eventually forms pus.
Doctors say that patients with deep neck infection have a distinctive odor. The unusual odor continues around the patient's mouth, like the smell of rotten patato. the doctors said once you smell it, you will never forget it. In very severe cases, the patient may have difficulty breathing. this symptom may be getting worse and worse.
Most of deep neck infections can be diagnosed with a CT scan. You can check whether an abscess is present by checking the difference in shadow seen on the CT. In addition, through flexible laryngoscopy, the degree of an obstruction of the airway can be checked. If the airway is narrowed, intubation can be required immediately. In addition, through the blood test, the patient's inflammation and sepsis level can be identified.
The surgery of the deep neck infecion is performed outside the neck. Doctors can make an incision on the skin and enter the neck area and drain yellowish pus. After draing the pus, a drainage tube is inserted to neck skin. This tube serves to continuously drain the remnant pus.
Of course, even in the abscence of pus, this incision has a therapeutic effect. This is because it can relief the swelling of the tissues and prevents the airway obstrution. In addition, the patient need some antibiotics for getting rid of remnant bacteria. Therefore continuous treatment may be required while hospitalized for about a week after surgery.